Do you think animal testing is right or wrong? This is a complex question, but we "Animal Girls" (Jessica, Elissa, and Katie) are trying to work out the answer to this question. If you'd like to know more, click on one of the links below. There are good arguments for both cases. For some of our arguments, we relied on the survey that those at Lanier Middle School answered. You may take the survey if you wish.

1. Do you think animals should be tested on for the sake of human knowledge?



Maybe/Don't know

2. Do you believe that animal testing is okay, even if the animals are injured or killed?



Maybe/Don't know

3. How many animals do you think are killed or injured per year in the name of research?

Forty thousand

Twenty million

Seventy million

Ninety million

4. Do you have a pet?



5. Would you ever want to give your pet up for anything?



Maybe/Don't know

6. Has anyone in your family ever had a hard-to cure/incurable disease?



Maybe/Don't know

7. Are you for AIDS/Cancer research?



Maybe/Don't know

8. Do you think animals have rights?



Maybe/Don't know

9. Do you use or eat any of the following:

Bounce Camay Coast Comet Crest Crisco Dawn Downy

Duncan Hines Folgers Ivory Head & Shoulders Jif Joy Secret

Max Factor Pantene Pringles Sure Tide Zest Gillette Products


10. If we couldn't use animals to test on, what do you think we should use?

Animal testing has been around for years. Physicians in ancient Greece cut open the throat of a living pig to learn about swallowing. To study the beating heart, they cut into its chest and observed. For centuries this has been going on. Lately, though, some animal testers and scientists have been injuring or killing animals, and the question of morality and ethicality has been coming up many times. Do we humans have the right to treat animals with low respect when we?re learning things? Is it ethical to hurt animals for the sake of expanding our knowledge?